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My University is called JAMK University of Applied Sciences or Jyväskylän Ammattikorkeakoulu. It is located in Jyväskylä, near the city center. We can access to this place by walk or by bus. It is a really good school where everybody can improve and can study International Management as I do, facility Management or Music and Media Management.


Twice a year, at the beginning of the semesters, International Services of JAMK organize an orientation for new exchange students. During the orientation the students are familiarised with JAMK and its services as well as generally with Jyväskylä, our new study environment. The principle matters covered in the orientation can be found compiled in a guide that we received earlier in the day. Thus, we can later return to the issues by glancing through this handout. In addition to this handout we can find information in the student portal Optima.

Furthermore, tutors and the staff of the International Services can help us if we have questions concerning the collective matters of the international affairs at JAMK.


My first schedule


Monday 9 January: Tulikari Auditorium D205, on the Rajakatu campus


12:00 Welcome new Exchange Students – Ms Anu Lietonen

·         * Introduction of International Services

·         * Services for exchange students

·         * System of studies at JAMK and dealing with the documents

13:00 Computer and Network System – Mr Kari Järviö

13:20 Language and Communication studies – Riitta Purokuru and Ms Jaana Oinonen

13:40 Library Services – Ms Kristina Aberg

14:00 Campus and City Tour with tutors


Tuesday 10 January: Valjakka auditorium FP05, on the Rajakatu Campus


09:00 KOAS – Living in a student apartment – Ms Tiia Matilainen

09:30 Student Health Care – Publi Health Nurses Ms Minna Parviainen and Ms Minna Logren

10:00 Safety Issues – Ms Timo Hiltunen

10:20 How to survive in Jyväskylä – Ms Alison Doolittle-Suokas

10:50 Student Union JAMKO and International Club IC

11:30-12:30 LUNCH BREAK


Friday 13 January: Winter Sports day organized by JAMKO



The Friend Family Program …


International Services coordinate a Friend Family Program, which is meant for international students and finnish families. In the program a student is matched with a family or a friend with whom he meets on free tome. The idea of it is to offer the students views on finnish culture by giving them an opportunity to experience aspects of people’s everyday life.

I don’t really know of I will do this program but it seems to be a good way to learn the finnish culture and to live as a real globetrotter.I will tell you more about it in my next articles !


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